Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Here we are, again. I know it only comes once a year, but honestly, I dread it. I dreaded it last year, and it should have been so joyful for me. But of course, my first Mother's Day with a baby in my arms was shadowed by the death of my mother. There was this huge, gaping hole in the day where she should have been, and that hole has not gone away. In fact, the hole has expanded, without my Nana. 

 Honestly, I like to pretend that I am a strong, capable woman. And sometimes, I truly believe it. Then days like today come around, and even though I know that it's coming, it still breaks me. I still feel like my heart is crumbling into a thousand tiny pieces, and there is nothing that I can do to put it back together. It has been a day.

I know that one day I will take joy in Mother's Day. But today is not that day. Today, I am still raw, and broken, and grieving both my mom and my Nana. And that doesn't make me weak, or stupid, or anything else. It simply makes me human.