Tuesday, August 20, 2013

1st Birthday Pressure

So, as you may know (but probably don't) my daughter has a 1st birthday coming up here in a few months. On October 9th, 2013 it will be a year since she has come into our lives. So, naturally, various people started asking me about the "big one" about 3 months ago. Figuring I had plenty of time, and knowing that I want to throw a low key, close family type of bash, I laughed it off. And I continued to put if off until just now. Now, with less than 2 full months before the party, I'm panicking. With the rise of Pintrest, and hearing (reading?) about the collective grand plans on various blogs and thebump.com, I'm starting to feel like my humble little party just won't cut it.

So I'm making the invitations. And a banner. Oh, and little thank you tags to add to the favors. I'm suddenly putting a ton of pressure on myself where there was none before. It's all making me think, "will it be good enough? Will I be good enough?" And I know rationally that I'm just putting pressure on myself. I'm sure that no matter what we do for her birthday, Cora will love it. I just can't shake the feeling that it won't be ENOUGH.

There was really no point to this post. Just throwing some of my bad feelings about myself out to the interwebz to hopefully get it out of my system and off of my mind.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Long time no see

Hi. So, I suck at blogging. You may have noticed that. I did warn you from the beginning, though!

A quick rundown on what's been going down in the Norry household the past few (several?) months:

  1. Work. Enjoying work, being annoyed at work, and enjoying it again.
  2. Mr. Norry got promoted. YAY to more money and more responsibility (not to mention the respect factor).
  3. Ms. Cora is 10 MONTHS OLD. How the eff did that happen, and where is my baby?! She's now crawling everywhere, says, "dada", "mama", uh oh". Oh, and she has 2 1/2 teeth. You go girl!
  4. Trying to lose this baby weight and get fit. I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD, and I'm about to start "Ripped in 30".
  5. Dreading the 1 year anniversary of my mom's death coming up in November.
Not much else has been going down with us. I did start therapy last week. I've only done one session so I can't yet speak to how it helps/doesn't help me. But I sure as hell am looking forward to finding out.

I promise to come around more than once every 6 months. Life with a baby is just crazy!