Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ahem...Is this thing on?

So...blogging? Here I am! Forgive me in advance if this blog is boring, or if it follows no obvious train of thought. It's mostly just going to be me rambling...So don't say I didn't warn you.

Now that we've got that PSA out of the way, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Ruthie, I'm 23 and I live in California. I'm engaged (yay me!) with plans to marry my wonderful husband-to-be in the vague future. We've set a date, but we aren't solid on it. We have an awesome dog named Betty who was just mine when we met but now is "ours" (cue the cheesy music!) I go to school and work full time so don't expect me to be super dedicated but I feel like I have a lot to share so here I am to share it.

I think I covered the basics so I'll leave it at that for now...til next time!

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