Friday, December 30, 2011

Winter Break=Laziness!

So I love "breaks" from school. I always have. In middle and high school, breaks were sacred to me. Breaks meant NO homework, NO going to bed early, and basically NO doing of anything of any importance at all.

That being said, adult "breaks" from school are quite a bit different. Adult breaks from school still involve doing homework, going to work 5 days a week for 8 hours a day (so no staying up late), and finishing projects around the house (so no being lazy). It SUCKS.

Currently, I'm enjoying (well, trying to enjoy) the last few precious days of winter break. I've had to work all this past week (okay, not quite true, I did have Christmas day, and Wednesday off and I DID call in sick yesterday) so I haven't done ANY homework. Right now, I should be doing said homework before work, but all I'm doing is surfing The Bump and writing here. I feel like such a lazy slob! I mean, come on, I'm still in my PJs. Ridiculous.

Okay...I'm done ranting (venting?). I'm off to pretend I'm doing my homework now!


  1. Big ::HUGS:: hon. I can't even imagine everything you've been through. Much love, T&Ps going out to you- I pray peace and hope.

  2. I pray *FOR* peace and hope... sorry.. NYE+wine= typing fail ;)

  3. Wow... I am so dumb... I meant to post this on the NYE post. Sorry :)

  4. It's all good! Yay for someone reading/commenting on my very new and very boring blog! Thank you and I don't think you are dumb!
