Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Warning: this may be sappy. Deal with it.

Today is Thanksgiving and I have much to be thankful for this year. For one, I am thankful for my wonderful husband who has (so far) stood by my crazy ass through everything. I am also incredibly thankful for my family, but especially my mom who is not only a huge help but so supportive of every choice we make. I'm happy and thankful that we live in a house even if we rent, and we now have space for our dog to run and we live in a much quieter neighborhood now. Last but definitely not least, I'm thankful for my gorgeous, sweet baby girl, who we waited so long for. She was definitely worth the wait!

So, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there in the interwebz! May your day be happy and full of family (if you like 'em), friends (if you've got 'em), food and fun!

I leave you with a picture, because, why not?

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